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Product creation is an essential step to perform before scanning.
Product is a "folder" within Defect Dojo, where scan results will be stored and discovered assets will be attached to.
Each product contains Engagements which could be treated as "subfolders". The initial pair will be created by ScanSuite based on the product name specified.
Give the new product a unique product name, it will not be possible to create 2 products with the same name:
Once the product is created, the respective Engagement ID can be found in the Scan History tab.
This ID will be used as a reference for the scan results storage in Defect Dojo:
Engagement ID will be saved and auto filled in the scanning forms so no need to memorize it all the time.
However it is important to check it during further scans submissions to ensure scan results are mapped to the intended products.
Product names are also used for saving scans and other naming so it is recommended to give a sensible name for the product to be able to find it later.
The list of created products can be retrieved in the same Products menu:
Clicking on the Product/ Engagement IDs is leading to the respective menus of Defect Dojo.
Clicking on the Trash Bin will delete the product in Defect Dojo along with all (!!!) scan results and assets, saved within the product.