ScanSuite and all components it works with are dockerized and therefore can be installed to any Linux based operating system, supporting docker. Ubuntu 22.04+ is recommended for this setup.
Here are some prerequisites for the successful installation:
1. Technical requirements depending on the number of parallel scans invoked and the scanners used.
4 CPU cores, 12 GB RAM and 100 GB SSD are recommended for the best performance. That should be enough to store all supported scanners locally and run 2-3 parallel scans, including the most resource consuming ones.
2. Docker will be auto installed by the installer on Ubuntu, CentOS and Debian Bookworm / Kali distributions by the software installer. For other OS please manually install Docker.
3. Defect Dojo is used to view and manage scan results. It will be auto installed on the same host as ScanSuite by the installer. It can also be installed the separate host too as soon as it is reachable by ScanSuite over https.
4. To install and run the product, the following is required:
a. Key file company_name_keyID.lic
b. Password to download and update ScanSuite containers.
In case of restricted Internet access on the server, the next URLs need to be allowed on the firewall:
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